The Garage is Full, and It’s Time for a Portable Shed.

You have come to realize that you just have too much stuff in the garage. You can either get rid of it, or buy a Portable Shed from Buy Sheds Now. That sounds like a better solution.

Choosing the Right Portable Shed

When the time comes to purchase your portable structure from Buy Sheds Now, size is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. The answer to how “big” or how “small” isn’t an easy answer. Not only do you have to decide the width and the length but you need to decide on height. Oh boy, I bet you didn’t think of that one.

We’re here to help you figure that all out. It will be an easy process. You will have to decide what you are going to use your structure for, and what are you going to put in it? This way we will be able to help you choose the right size. As always if you go to small, you are going to run out of room, then what? Can you add on, or get a bigger one? So it is better to always ask for help in choosing your size.

10 Reasons to Buy a Portable Shed from Buy Sheds Now

Reason #1: Extra Living Space

You have stuff in the garage, basement, and the attic. Because you are out of room in your garage, your lawn mower sits outside with a tarp over it. Your wife has been telling you that the mower needs a new home, because she doesn’t like looking at the covered up lawnmower. Plus she just can’t fit her car in the garage anymore.

Reason #2: Know Where Everything Is

Once you can have everything in one spot, it is much easier to keep track of. Like when you are looking for your Christmas lights, and last year you thought you had them in the attic, nope you couldn’t find them. Then you go into the garage and you finally found them after climbing over boxes, in the garage.

Reason #3: Easy Access

When you have a storage shed from Buy Sheds Now and you have everything neatly placed inside, you will know where you put the beach chairs from last summer, along with all of the beach items. Isn’t it nice knowing where everything is?

Reason #4: Hide Less-Attractive Items

You know that one ugly metal chair that you picked up from a yard sale? The one you just had to have, because you were going to refinish it, and use it outside in the evenings? But you just left it outside by the lawnmower. Now you will be able to put these items in your portable structure from Buy Sheds Now.

Reason #5: Protection from the Weather

You will be able to put all of your outdoor furniture away and out of the weather for the winter months. Your outdoor furniture will last longer since it is being stored inside.

Reason #6: Create a Workspace

You know that workspace you have always been wanting. What is stopping you? The workbench that has been sitting in the garage that you can never get to because of all the clutter? Did you know that you can add shelving to your structure when you design your own? You could also add windows to let the light in. There are so many customization possibilities.

Reason #7: Keep your Belongings Safe & Protected

When you don’t have room for all the kids stuff in the garage anymore, and they start leaving bicycles outside, you don’t want anyone to take them. So by getting a storage shed from Buy Sheds Now, you will be able to put those bicycles away at night and lock your shed up.

Reason #8: Unleash Your Creativity

The beauty of our portable buildings is that they can be transformed into anything from a knitting studio, a photography studio, or just a space for your home office. Let yourself get creative and turn this portable structure into whatever you want!

Reason #9: Choose What You Want

Let’s face it, if you go to a box store and get a shed, do you know how it was built? Is it a quality shed? Did they use quality material? These are a lot of questions. Here at Buy Sheds Now we can assure you that we use quality material to build our structures.anymore.

Reason #10: Increase Your Home’s Value

It’s true! Adding a portable structure to your property will add value to your home. When you decide to sell, your structure will make it more desirable to a future buyer.

In Conclusion

At Buy Sheds Now, construction is an art, and we have a passion for our business. We love to build buildings and we try to develop that passion in everything we do. Our strong enthusiasm for our line of work gives us an advantage over our competitors. Come and check out our Shed Designer and have fun designing your own.

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